Amaníaco “Especial fiestas mayores” Amaníaco “Especial fiestas mayores” published on 13/08/2018Read more posts by the author of Amaníaco “Especial fiestas mayores”, Manel CruzNo Comments on Amaníaco “Especial fiestas mayores” The page of Andrea that appears in the Amaníaco 33 “Especial fiestas mayores”
Amaníaco especial “25 años” Amaníaco especial “25 años” published on 04/06/2018Read more posts by the author of Amaníaco especial “25 años”, Manel CruzNo Comments on Amaníaco especial “25 años” The page of Andrea that appears in the Amaníaco 32 “Especial 25 años”
Amaníaco “Especial informática” Amaníaco “Especial informática” published on 11/04/2018Read more posts by the author of Amaníaco “Especial informática”, Manel CruzNo Comments on Amaníaco “Especial informática” The page of Andrea that appears in the Amaníaco 31 “Especial informática”
Christmas card Christmas card published on 02/01/2018Read more posts by the author of Christmas card, Manel CruzNo Comments on Christmas card This year I had then pleasure of making the Christmas card of Amaníaco
Amaníaco 30, “Special urban legends” Amaníaco 30, “Special urban legends” published on 12/12/2017Read more posts by the author of Amaníaco 30, “Special urban legends”, Manel CruzNo Comments on Amaníaco 30, “Special urban legends” The page of l’Andrea that appeared at l’Amaníaco 30, “Special urban legends”.
Amaníaco special “Pelotas” Amaníaco special “Pelotas” published on 14/08/2017Read more posts by the author of Amaníaco special “Pelotas”, Manel CruzNo Comments on Amaníaco special “Pelotas” The first page I published in the comic Amaniaco (Number 29).
Amaníaco special tebeos Amaníaco special tebeos published on 11/08/2017Read more posts by the author of Amaníaco special tebeos, Manel CruzNo Comments on Amaníaco special tebeos Andrea in the last Amaníaco
Amaníaco special detectives Amaníaco special detectives published on 18/04/2017Read more posts by the author of Amaníaco special detectives, Manel CruzNo Comments on Amaníaco special detectives At the last amaniaco, you can read a new adventure of Andrea!
Amaníaco especial music Amaníaco especial music published on 08/02/2017Read more posts by the author of Amaníaco especial music, Manel CruzNo Comments on Amaníaco especial music A micro musical, the page of Andrea in the last Amaniaco.
Amaniaco special summer Amaniaco special summer published on 21/09/2016Read more posts by the author of Amaniaco special summer, nicolauNo Comments on Amaniaco special summer In this number Fede tries to explain Andrea the concept “bikini operation” … well, what I understand you have done to read on the beach this new special Amaníaco.